PCB Design Principles

Professional engineers need PCBs that perform optimally and are delivered on-time. Who has time for a PCB delay? Printed circuit boards are commonly designed in a EDA (Electronic Design Automation) or a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) system that further generate board manufacturing information for circuit board fabrications. These PCB design files needed the added information of Gerber format file. PCB design engineers must generate their own Gerber files to avoid errors. Gerber files generally contain design data of conductor layer, solder mask layer and silkscreen layer. If two layers have the same design data, Gerber files should be still generated for each to avoid possible confusion.

After receiving the Gerber file, a manual design inspection is performed. Both manual and automated reviews of all electronic assemblies can lower your cost and cut your manufacturing time. Multi-disciplinary industrial design experts and flexible production model ensure manufacturing, testing and validating protocols so you can launch your product as quickly and efficiently as possible. This allows for board fabrication based on your file and on-time product delivery to you.

Surya Electronics Inc.

Fabricating the brain-power for your products at World Class Speed with Pinpoint Precision

Since 1983  ISO 13485  suryaelectronicsinc.com  630 858 8000

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